Labor Senator Lisa Singh has expressed concern for any Tasmanians caught up in the chaos caused by Donald Trump’s selective migration ban, and highlighted the importance of Tasmanian politicians standing by our multicultural society and the policies that support it.

Senator Singh is also concerned that Trump’s migration ban may undermine Australia’s cohesion and security.

“This is a time for all Australian politicians to stand up for Australian values. Dividing people on the basis of race or religion goes against the grain of who we are,” said Senator Singh.

“Trump’s ban is wrecking lives and causing chaos in the name of national security, but it may actually undermine security on a global scale, including in Australia.

“We are a successful multicultural country because of our shared values of fairness and inclusion. Now, more than ever, we need to stand together to support each other and our values.

“ISIS is seeking to create domestic terrorists around the world and this ban gives them a huge propaganda boost.

“Tasmania is a welcoming place, and Trump’s counter-productive refugee ban has horrified me and many of my constituents.”

“Just last week at Hobart’s Australia Day ceremony I witnessed the swearing-in of 82 new citizens from 26 different countries. It was a fantastic display of the diversity and strength of Tasmania’s multicultural community. 

Senator Singh also raised concerns over how much longer refugees on Manus Island and Nauru will remain in limbo.

“Malcolm Turnbull should outline the timeline around the resettlement of the refugees on Manus and Nauru. They have suffered long enough under the incompetence of the Turnbull Government.”